Quiz Time: 10mins
10 minutes
Selenium Basics
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1. To find all the
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2. Choose the appropriate locator code to find the following tag with partial text match.
Save Student Detail
3 / 8
3. Selenium Inbuild class for capturing the Screenshot is
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4. Find the appropriate locator to find the tag
Hello Welcome to the Store
5 / 8
5. Which method use to exit the WebDriver from all iframes to main HTMl document.
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6. Which Selenium Class provides the wait conditions for the visibility/presence of a particular element.
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7. Which selenium method use to select the Drop Down option by displayed text.Complete the following code by input line
WebElement dropdown=driver.findElement("//select[name='cities']");Select select = new Select();--- Input Line ----
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8. Which Selenium method used to verify the element displayed on the UI or not.
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