Quiz Time: 10mins
10 minutes
Java Basics
1 / 8
1. Choose the correct answer for the following code snippet:
final int CONSTANT=13;System.out.println(CONSTANT+7);
2 / 8
2. Choose the correct answer for the following code snippet:
int data[]={11,22,33,44,55};for(int value : data) System.out.println(data[value]);
3 / 8
3. Choose the correct answer for the following code snippet:
int a=4;if(a<=3); System.out.print("Hello"); System.out.print("Hi");
4 / 8
4. Choose the correct answer for the following code snippet:
int a=5;float b=2;int c=a/b;System.out.println(c);
5 / 8
5. Choose the correct answer for the following code snippet:
int num = -1;do{ num - - ;}while ( num > = 2 );System.out.println( num );
6 / 8
6. Choose the correct answer for the following code snippet:
int A, B=9, C=6;A = B+C/3+A;System.out.println(A);
7 / 8
7. What will be the output of following code snippet
8 / 8
8. What will be the output of following code snippet:
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